'; //Page Title End //Page Header Funtion function title() {} // Header Include Statment Start--> require_once($path . 'header.php'); // Header Include Statment End --> ?> $val) { // prevent adding empty lines to the selection menu if(strlen(trim($val))) $multiple[++$i] = explode("#", $val); } } array_walk(&$arr, 'trim_array'); } else { /** * read image-folders of the format "YYYY-MM-DD". this is * pretty cool if you upload images with forms and let generate * php a folder on each "upload-day" */ $d = dir("./" ); while($entry=$d->read() ) { if(stristr($entry, strftime("%Y") )) { if(is_dir($entry)) $multiple[++$index] = array("./cache", "./$entry", "./templates/frame.png", $entry ); } } } // handle query-manipulations if(!isset($_GET['g'])) $_GET['g']=1; // get instance of autogallery $ag = &new autogallery($multiple[$_GET['g']][0], $multiple[$_GET['g']][1], $multiple[$_GET['g']][2] ); $ag->desc = "Page(s): "; // handle the template file $tpl = &new IntegratedTemplate("photo/templates" ); $tpl->loadTemplatefile("tpl.index.php", true, true); $content = array( // set rows and columns of images per page "htm_content" => $ag->thumbnail_table(6,4, $multiple ), // get the hosts address "htm_host" => "http://" . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . (strlen($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] ) ? "" . str_replace(basename($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']), "", $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']) : "" ), // set a title for the pop-up window "htm_script" => $ag->show_jscript("NOSS Photo Gallery"), ); $tpl->setVariable($content); $tpl->show(); ?>